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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Orange Walls in My Living Room? It May Be the Perfect Color for You!

When choosing colors for their living rooms, many of my clients think neutral. Bold colors are for dining rooms, kitchens, kids rooms, accent walls and bathrooms, right? When the furniture is neutral, warmer and more vibrant colors are perfect for living rooms. Look what happens to the fireplace and door when orange is used together with white. Features that would have disappeared with white walls are now special elements in the room. Orange is the universal color for happiness. What a great way to counter the gloominess of cloudy days and lift your spirits. You could spend lots of time and money accessorizing a room and never the same impact as a vibrant color. If strong oranges are too much, find a lighter version that suits you. If you tend toward more earthy colors, choose more of a burnt orange. Some of my favorites are Sherwin Williams Mandarin SW6891 and Inventive Orange SW6633. Look beyond the basics to find the perfect colors for you.

For a color design consultation to find the perfect colors for you , call 702.202.7543.

1 comment:

Dave Van de Walle said...

We have orange in our kitchen - we call it Tuscan Orange but it's more like a muted "Push-Up" popsicle.