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Friday, May 29, 2009

Choosing Color with Your Heart, Not Your Head

In getting to know one of my clients and what she wanted, she showed me a number of pictures from interior design magazines and websites of what she had in mind. Most of the photos featured walls in numerous shades of tan. Then she showed me a living room wall that she had painted with those little tester pots from the paint store--a few different greens. "I don't like any of them. I don't know what to do. I know I should go with tan, but it just doesn't feel right to me." Bingo. I smiled and said, "Good for you. You're going with your gut. You already know that's not what you want. That feeling isn't going to change when you put it on your walls." She knew what she didn't want, but she was trying to talk herself into it because that's what she was "supposed" to do. 

When it comes to color, it's all about choosing with your heart rather than your head. It's sooo easy to let your mind talk you out of what you love because it isn't "right." Choosing with your head is what sent you to the paint store half a dozen times only to come up empty. You know the moment the color isn't right. It happens all the time in a color consultation when I put color samples up on the walls with clients. They squint their eyes and shake their heads, "No." We eliminate the "no's" and begin a search for the Yes. When I've hit up on the right color, their whole demeanor changes. A smile emerges. Everything opens up. Most often, it's a color that never occurred to them. Then the questions begin. "It's okay to use blue in my living room?" Absolutely. There are no wrong colors. Once we find the ones that make you feel good, I show you how to coordinate them and where to put them. All of the color theory and application? Leave that to me. I create the perfect color palette for YOU. All that vexing over color becomes a distant memory, and you're thrilled about what your home will become. 

You deserve to feel excited about your home. Let's make it happen together.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What's the Big Deal about Color?

Unless you're an avid HGTV watcher, you probably never knew that there are people like me who help you choose colors for your home. After a business meeting just the other day, I was introduced to a man in the office, "This is Mary-Frances, she is a chooses colors for homes and businesses." He smiled and scratched his head, "You mean like some kind of feng shui thing?" I smiled and explained to him that my background is in Applied Color Psychology. I think that made a little more sense to him, but he still looked a little befuddled. I get this questions like that all of the time because it's an unfamiliar concept to most. So I spend a lot of time talking to people about what I do and why it's so important. I'm more than happy to have these conversations because it's so important, and educating people is part of the process.

I was drawn to Color Design because my work makes people feel good, plain and simple. So, what's the big deal about color, you ask? Have you ever heard someone say that their favorite color was beige? Seriously. Regardless, we live in a sea of tans. Let's look at the word neutral. With the exception of Switzerland, is it a good thing to be neutral? The dictionary defines neutral as "not aligned with or supporting any side or position." Okay. So the home builder hands us the keys to a home that is aligned with nothing--that includes the people who will be living there. It's a curious philosophy because when the builder wanted to sell you a home, the model home was bursting with color. You walked through the front door and fell in love. That's where I come in. I choose colors that make you feel that way every time you come home. And don't get me wrong, neutrals have their place in a color palette. It's all in how you use them in combination with other colors that make you feel good. My gift is learning about you and what colors evoke those wonderful feeling within you. The colors that make you want to snuggle up with your kids on the couch. The colors that are reminiscent of the beach where you spent your summers as a kid. The colors that relax you after a long day at work. 

Creating the color palette of your life. THAT'S the big deal.